Out with the old: Electronic parking meters coming to Main Street

The decades-old meters on Main Street are being replaced with electronic meters Northport Village Mayor Donna Koch hopes will be easy to navigate; payment options include coin, credit card or an app.
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New parking meters are coming to Northport Village, part of a “Main Street Revitalization” project that includes several improvements to the area, from Woodbine Avenue to Church Street. The old meters are in the process of being removed, with installation of the new meters anticipated to begin this Monday, August 26, Northport Village Mayor Donna Koch told the Journal.
In June 2023, the Northport Village Board of Trustees passed a resolution to create a capital project titled “Main Street Revitalization” with an appropriation of $2.5 million to be funded with issuance bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes. The project includes the new meters, new light fixtures and electrical work, and new sidewalks and concrete curbs. The Village is also hoping to secure grant money for new trees, and plans to add custom iron tree grates.
The meters currently being removed from Main Street were received as surplus from another Long Island municipality close to 30 years ago, Koch said. They were coin-operated and often covered two parking spaces, with options to pay for a left or right space. The new electronic meters will accept coins and credit cards; payment will also be possible via an app. Each parking space will have its own meter.
The hourly rate for parking is doubling from 50 cents to one dollar per hour, with a two-hour parking spot maximum remaining in place. Parking fees are in effect Monday through Saturday, from 8am to 6pm, excluding holidays.