Class of 2021 celebrates graduation in home stadium with family and friends
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The Northport High School Class of 2021 celebrated the end of its journey together yesterday, with family and friends filling the school’s home stadium to cheer the graduates on.
Here is an excerpt from high school principal Daniel Danbusky’s parting words:
What does a principal share with a group of graduation candidates as they prepare to embark on their post-secondary careers in the waning days and weeks of a global pandemic that has literally impacted every facet of your lives over the last 15 months? What advice can I possibly give you as supporting wisdom as you prepare to leave the four walls of this high school? Do I speak about resilience, a word you have often heard this year? Do I speak about what many people have often called a lost year, and why I feel that taking a deficit viewpoint such as this is not only disingenuous, but also flat-out wrong? After the last 15 months, in a world of swirling regulations, guidelines and, at times, utter insanity, all I can say is I have absolutely no idea what to say to you today.
And a year and a half ago that would have been a very uncomfortable thing to admit; however, there is something that I have learned to be comfortable with recently, and that’s the idea of not knowing something and recognizing the power that lies within that concept, because it opens one’s mind and assumes a growth mindset as opposed to a deficit mindset...
As you approach the end of your journey here at NHS, I implore you to set yourself free of opinions and knowledge that do not serve you well. Seek to understand others and anchor yourself in flexibility, as opposed to consistency in the ways things have always been done. Learn to rethink. It will help you generate new situations, new solutions to old problems, and will help you evaluate old solutions when presented with new problems. And it’s my hope that it will lead you down a path to learning more from the people around you and living a more rewarding life…
As we have moved through the last four years together, I hope your dreams have been realized and come alive. As you leave us, I charge you to find problems that need to be solved, rethink their solutions, and allow pursuit to help shape you as you mature. Remember, long-term satisfaction comes from solving problems and serving people, implementing lots of hard work, often with delayed gratification and, above all, sacrifice.
Do not be afraid to embrace what you do not know, but rather recognize the power that lies within that paradigm. If there’s anything that we have learned in the last 15 months, it’s that flexibility is underrated.
Graduation candidates, you have been a class of doers. You are the activists of the future, and I believe that your shared experiences here at Northport High School have afforded you the opportunity to build a solid foundation, and have prepared you for whatever life will throw your way…
Four years ago you entered here as young, curious children, but you leave here today as mature, confident young men and women. We have all had the honor of witnessing your growth, academically, emotionally and socially and we stand here in awe of your accomplishments and the fine individuals you have become.
The 448 members of the Northport High School Class of 2021 are:
Vincent Accovelli
Denisabell Aguirre
Patrick Ahearne
Andrew Allbaugh
Thai Allen
Sophia Allocco
Isabella Anton
Jude Anton
Ava Arce
Andrew Argyris
Samuel Aronson
James Atkinson
Kayleen Baker
Isabella Barbagallo
Julie Barbier
Mark Baron
Athena Barton
Amanda Bass
Andrew Becker
Dylan Behr
Ryan Bell
Mikaela Benchimol
Emily Berger
Kaitlyn Berger
Grace Berkery
Cooper Bernier
Aaron Bernson
Anthony Bettano
John Bilello
Emma Blanco
Jesse Blitz
Andrew Blom
Arielle Blume
Ryan Bolger
Christopher Bolitho
Jessica Bonilla-Hernandez
Bridget Bost
Matthew Boyle
Max Bratchie
Ethan Brazier
Ryan Brennan
Christopher Brown
Joseph Buchanan
Bridget Buckmaster
Jake Bulanchuk
Camden Burk
Jake Buttacoli
Joseph Cabrera
Kyle Camenzuli
Anthony Canales
William Canales
Joseph Canavan
Cameron Canfield
Yarglie Cantave
Olivia Capeci
Rafe Carner
Abigail Carr
McAuley Carroll
Joy Cartwright
Lauren Cash
Edward Castellazzo
Gabrielle Castellazzo
Karla Castro Dominguez
JonAnthony Catalanotto
Dominick Catoggio
Michael Catrone
Justin Cavanaugh
Charles Cella
Tobin Centamore
Valery Charland
Brianne Chave
Ingrid Chavez Meza
Elvis Chavez-Meza
Kieran Chotiner
Bailee Cody
James Collier
Jessica Conacher
James Connor
William Connor
Ledis Coronna
Daniel Costello
Tyler Cotter
Nicholas Cox
Griffin Crafa
Emma Craft
Alison Crosley
Matthew Cruise
Alexa Cubicciotti
Colin Culhane
Devin Cullen-Trazzare
Julianna Curcio
Michael Curran
Erik Cusumano
Joseph Cutolo
Emilie D'Amaro
Annabella D'Ambrosio
Tara D'Amico
Liam Darrigo
Larkyn Davies
Maxwell DeBrino
Robert Del Pizzo
Joseph Del Prete
James DeLea
Ava Deliberti
Megan DellaMarco
Emma DeMarco
Nicholas DeMarco
Ella Dengler
Violet DeNunzio
William DeRiso
Leela Desai
Sophia DeSilva
Timothy Devine
Michael DeVito
Vivian DeVoe
Luke Diaz
Quintin Dickson
Luca DiPietro
Michael Doczy
Benjamin Donders
Stephen Dorino
Christopher Dowd
Matthew Drankwalter
Megan Dunat
Ava Dunkak
Madeline Dwyer
Sienna Rey Edwards
Sari Elkins
Sean Elliott
Leonardo Eng
Isabella Estevez
Sam Everitt
Ryan Farrington
Samuel Feinstein
Justice Felice
Jack Fernandez
Louis Fiorino
Thomas Fitzgerald
Liam Fodor
Margaret Forbes
Alyssa Forte
Abby Fortuna
Casey Fortunato
Nicole Foster
Cameron Fox
Christopher Francis
Stephen Francis
Aracely Franco
Joseph Frazzitta
Claire Freas
Mia Freire
Christopher Frey
Vincent Gaddis
Joseph Gaeth
Conner Gallagher
Kyle Gallagher
Brandon Garnier Winkler
Jocelyn Garofalo
Hannah Gaumont
Riley Gayer
Nicole Geres
Taryn Gerlach
Anna Gibbons
Sydney Gilmore
Elias Giuliano
Emily Golde
Lucy Goldner
Cort Gomes
Joseph Gonzalez
Robert Gonzalez
Mackenzie Graham
Kaylee Granados-Martinez
Emma Grasso
Christopher Gravina
Julia Graziano
Aidan Greenfield
Jake Grillo
Hannah Gross
Annie Gruhn
Madeline Guarineri
Hunter Guarnaschelli
Jillian Gucciardo
Miles Gucciardo
Joseph Guidetti
Kobe Guo
Chloe Hakanson
Emma Halperin
Kevin Hanley
Will Harnos
Kyle Hartslief
Kyle Hawkins
Patrick Healy
Dillon Heinzman
John Henderson
Shannon Henehan
Liam Herbst
Timothy Heuser
Aidan Hickman
Megan Hickman
Connor Higgins
Ashley Hinton
Sean Hoban
Molly Hoffmann
Wade Holden
Alyssa Infranco
Ryan Inzerillo
Savanna Jackson
Daniel Jacobsen
Taiyu Jin
Gordon Johnson
Hope Jorgensen
Patrick Judd
Keito Judson-Teranishi
Ian Kaish
Jake Kalinowski
Julia Karman
Valia Kavrakis
Grace Keating
Erik Keifer
Allison Kennedy
Robert Kennedy
Maggie Kiernan
Kailyn Kilroe
Austin Kingsley
Alper Kiziltepe
Emily Kovacs
Luke Kowalchuk
Lily Kranenberg
Megan Kranenberg
Ryan Kropp
Andrew Kuhn
Sean Kutz
Morgan LaBarbera
John LaBruyere
Spencer LaBruyere
Alexa Lacher
William Lambros
Sophia Lamendola
Meghan Lavin
Kenneth Lavoie
Ryan Lazinski
Katherine Leahy
Amber Leininger
Chelsea Lenna
Noelia Leon-Brizuela
Alex Levick
Gabrielle Liberatoscioli
Juliette Liberatoscioli
Eileen Lin
Lindsey Lindvall
Jamie Lionetti
Alyssa Litsch
Erika Lorentzson
Nicholas LoScalzo
Samuel Loud
Ryan Louis
Peter Luby
Daniel Lugo
Jacob Maldavir
Francesca Malon
Philip Mancino
Matthew Marcotrigiano
Devin Marshall
Cameron Martin
Shaylin Martinez
David Martinez-Granados
Adam Masihuddin
Rudolph Mastrocinque
Christopher Matthews
Brooke Matura
Matthew Mauro
Jade Maury
Spencer Mayer
Ryan McCarthy
Alexis McCreight
Thomas McDonagh
Emma McDonald
Maximillian McElroy
James McKechnie
Liam McKenna
Meaghan McKenna
Brady McLaughlin
Aileen McPartland
Colin McQuade
Erin McRae
Daniel Meade
Tian Meinen
Olivia Messina
Nicole Mezzasalma
Jacob Mieszawski
Nina Miller
Tsampica Mitchell
Christopher Moller
Chase Monaco
Sarah Monroy
Hannah Morawski
Jake Morea
Vincent Moscarelli
Matthew Mosher
Connor Mulligan
Brendan Mulry
Gracie Munnie
Erin Munson
Matthew Murawski
Gavin Murdock
Keiran Murphy
Erin Navas
Gemini Neda
Austin Neuf
Matthew Nock
Kristina Novak
Jack O'Beirne
Shannon O'Boyle
Gabrielle O'Brien
Madisen Oderwald
Lara Odore
Madalyn Oliver
Matthew Olson
Justin Olthoff
Gavin O'Malley
Tyjanae Orr
Skylar Palumbo
Mia Pancari
Nicholas Panetta
Lindsey Papasian
Christian Pastore
Donald Pavon
Aidin Pawluk
Emerson Payne
Bruce Peden
Joseph Pellegrino
Carla Pibouin
Ava Picciano
Michael Pinzone
Samuel Pipolo
Dilan Piscatello
Augusta Pischel
Gabrielle Pischel
Thomas Pitfick
Gabriel Ponce De Leon
Luke Popp
John Posillico
Andrew Posner
Angelos Poulos
Matthew Powers
Ryan Pupilla
Connor Quinn-Dewitt
Marcelo Quiroga
Ameer Qureshi
Adrian Ramonetti
Frank Rasizzi
Morgan Reale
Ryan Reid
Anthony Restivo
Christopher Reuschle
Olivia Rhyner
Rica-Neoldjy Richardson
Maya Rickman
Jennifer Rios
Paul Ritter
Timothy Robertson
Mildren Rodas Pinto
Samantha Rom
Cole Ronan
Alexandra Rose
Jake Rosenfeld
Noah Rosenzweig
Travis Roux
Ryan Rufe
Sean Ryan
Angelina Saccone
Jamie Safonte
Koya Saito
Emily Saldin
Jake Santamaria
Nichole Santomauro
Jamie Saturno
Margaret Saum
Aidan Sawczyk
Michael Scalisi
Lilly Schatz
Johnathan Schiede
Mckenzie Schuvart
Jason Schwartz
Michael Scorcia
Vivian Sebesta
Emily Segur
Amelia Semple
Nicole Sepessy
Thomas Serra
Caroline Shaffery
Nicole Shaffery
Aidan Sheehan
Meghan Sheridan
Joseph Sierra
Adam Siesener
Cailin Smith
Meghan Smith
Richard Snyder
Alessandra Soletti
Kyle Spadaro
Alexi Sperling
Emma Sperling
Lauren Spinner
Mackenzie Spivack
John Staccuneddu
Emily Starin
Scott Stehlik
Patrick Steneck
Rocco Stola
Derek Stratton
Angus Sturner
Kerlley Roodeley Sully
Shaun Suriano
Abbas Syed
Nicholas Tabone
Gavin Teiner
Daniel Thompson
Lauren Thompson
Daniel Tiburzi
Thomas Tini
Andrew Tittmann
Juliana Tjornhom
Delilah Triana
Tristan Triolo
Elizabeth Trodden
Yianni Tsangarides
James Tully
William Tyska
Aidan Varrialle
Isabella Vozza
Ryan Wagner
Lily Waldhauer
Jake Wallace
Tara Walsh
Caroline Webb
Alexandra Weber
James Weidenman
Brian Weiss
Kathleen West
Kaitlyn Westhall
Madacyn White
Liam Wine
Alexa Wing
Aaron Winnegar
Cristian Zabala
Manuel Zavala-Garcia