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Final “I Did the Grid” run pays tribute to the fallen over Memorial Day weekend


by Joanne Kountourakis | Mon, May 30 2022
Runners approach the finish line of the Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer “I Did the Grid” Memorial 4-mile Run/Walk this past Saturday, May 28. Photo credit Joanna Adinolfi.

Runners approach the finish line of the Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer “I Did the Grid” Memorial 4-mile Run/Walk this past Saturday, May 28. Photo credit Joanna Adinolfi.

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Participants approached the finish line of the Corporal Christopher G. Scherer “I Did the Grid” Memorial 4-mile Run/Walk this past Saturday, May 28 for the final time, the culmination of a community tradition founded in honor of a fallen soldier and the troops that continue to serve today. The run celebrates the life of Christopher George Scherer, an East Northport resident, Northport High School graduate and United States Marine who lost his life on July 21, 2007, while serving his country in Iraq. Felled by a single bullet from the gun of an enemy sniper, Chris was 21 years old.

For the past 15 years, Chris’ family, friends and fellow community members have paid tribute to the fallen and supported the troops via the four-mile run/walk.

On the morning of the race “we ask that you promise not to forget, nor let your children or their children forget that Chris and his fellow warriors died so that we might live free,” reads a statement on a website dedicated to the Marine. “To honor Chris and all of the men and women who have given their lives in service to the United States of America we ask that you give up any personal awards for this day. Instead each race bib will have the printed name of four fallen heroes from either Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom. Each participant will carry those names and upon completion of the course will ring a bell four times to signify that each Airman, Coast Guardsman, Sailor, Soldier or Marine named on the bib will be remembered for making the ultimate sacrifice.”

One hundred percent of all money raised for the race goes to purchasing supplies for servicemen and women serving the country. To learn more about Chris, and other ways to support the troops in his name, visit Donations are fully dispersed between the foundation’s Veteran Service Dogs project, the Leave No Marine Behind Project and scholarships to Christopher’s alma mater, Northport High School.

A photo of Chris, via

A photo of Chris, via

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