This Saturday: A one-of-a kind celebration of all things maritime

Bayman and former Northport Mayor George Doll talks about his work on the water at a past Maritime Day celebration.
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A cherished celebration of Northport’s maritime past, present and future will take place this weekend, during the community’s annual Northport Maritime Day and Blessing of the Fleet.
Scheduled from 8am to 2pm this Saturday, June 8, the day will feature a wide variety of activities for all ages in Northport Village Park, as well as a boat parade and vessels to be toured at the dock.
The day’s schedule includes:
8am: Northport Farmers’ Market
10am: Opening of Village Park for activities, booths and exhibits until 2 pm
11am: Blessing of the Fleet ceremony at Northport Village Dock
12pm: Tours of vessels at Northport Village Dock until 2pm
Over 100 boats from the fleets of the Northport and Centerport yacht clubs, as well as general recreational vessels, will parade past Village Dock with many “dressed” in full nautical flags. Boat parade plans include a rescue response boat from US Coast Guard Station Eaton’s Neck, US Coast Guard Auxiliary patrol boats, the US Merchant Marine Academy’s 41-foot training vessel, the Northport Fire Department Rescue Boat, and other public safety and maritime vessels.
Local clergy will bless each boat for a safe and enjoyable boating season, with elected officials, US Coast Guard leadership and yacht club flag officers joining in on the review. After the blessing, many vessels – including fishing vessels from Northport’s own baymen – will remain at the dock for tours.
The day will also include a full range of seaworthy events, demonstrations and hands-on activities for all ages. The “Maritime Olympics” offers opportunities to practice and/or learn about the lifesaving skills of active duty and Auxiliary Coast Guard including man-overboard drills, search-and-rescue patterns, mayday calls, emergency hauling line throws and other seamanship skills.
Coast Guard Auxiliarists will provide an overview of the many activities that Auxiliary volunteers can participate in, including direct support of US Coast Guard Station Eaton’s Neck.
But wait, there’s more…
Nautical and other music will be supplied by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Band and local Northport musicians. The Northport Sea Scouts will host a “Rain-Gutter Regatta” for children. Northport’s maritime history will be on display by the Northport Historical Society. The Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program will provide a Marine Life Touch Tank, and information on a wide variety of water quality topics including shellfish restoration, the SPAT oyster program, Huntington Blueway, the Unified Water Study, stormwater runoff, and the local F.I.S.H. initiative.
Maritime educational institutions represented will include the US Merchant Marine Academy.
A variety of other “hands-on” activities for young and old will be provided from other participating organizations.
Directly after the blessing, judges will officiate at the Maritime Day contests to select winners of the “Best Maritime Brews” from local breweries.
For the latest information and schedule for Northport Maritime Day, click here. The US Coast Guard Auxiliary Northport Flotilla coordinates this event with the Village of Northport and the Northport Chamber of Commerce.