New accessible playground coming to John J. Walsh Memorial Park in East Northport

Plans for a new accessible playground at John J. Memorial Park in East Northport show a variety of colorful, modern and inclusive equipment.
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A new playground at the Town of Huntington’s John J. Walsh Memorial Park at 190 Larkfield Road, adjacent to the East Northport Public Library, is in the works, with a projected completion date just one month from when the old playground was removed.
Visitors to the East Northport Library, and those passing on Larkfield Road, will have noticed that the former playground, with its tubular, enclosed slides and sand surface, is gone. Plans for the brand new accessible playground show a variety of colorful and modern equipment including multiple slides, play panels, swings and climbers. Special inclusive elements include a rubberized surface, ramps and accessible swings.
The full playground renovation and reconstruction also includes new fencing and, according to Town of Huntington (TOH) officials, comes in at a total cost of approximately $500,000. The site contractor (LandTek) began work last week, while American Recreation Products, the playground installer, is slated to begin work on November 1.
The TOH anticipates completion of the new playground by November 11, 2021.

The site of a new playground at the TOH John J. Walsh Memorial Park. The old playground was removed earlier this month; the new playground is scheduled to be completed by November 11.