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New date and location for public hearing on Pulaski Road residential complex in Greenlawn


by Chrissy Ruggeri | Sat, Sep 17 2022
A public hearing to consider changing the zoning of this off-Pulaski property, where the Greenlawn Equestrian Center is currently located, to an R-3M Garden Apartment Special District will take place on Wednesday, October 19 at 7pm at the Jack Abrams STEM Magnet Intermediate School in Huntington Station.

A public hearing to consider changing the zoning of this off-Pulaski property, where the Greenlawn Equestrian Center is currently located, to an R-3M Garden Apartment Special District will take place on Wednesday, October 19 at 7pm at the Jack Abrams STEM Magnet Intermediate School in Huntington Station.

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UPDATED October 17, 2022 at 1:25pm: The proposal to amend the town zoning map and build a residential complex on the property formerly occupied by the Greenlawn Equestrian Center has been withdrawn by the developer, though Engel Burman, LLC has stated publicly that it will resubmit another application at a future date. The upcoming October 19 Town of Huntington board meeting will still take place at the Jack Abrams STEM Magnet Intermediate School, and while public hearing #8 regarding the development is considered "moot" by town officials, it will remain on the agenda.

The date and location of the Town of Huntington public hearing to consider adopting a local law to allow for the construction of more than 200 residential units off Pulaski Road in Greenlawn has been changed to accommodate a larger number of participants.

The new public hearing date is Wednesday, October 19 at 7pm. The location has been moved from Huntington Town Hall to the Jack Abrams STEM Magnet Intermediate School at 155 Lowndes Avenue in Huntington Station.

The development firm and construction company Engel Burman, LLC, requested an amendment to the town zoning map, changing a 20-acre property on the north side of Pulaski Road, where the Greenlawn Equestrian Center currently stands abandoned, from a R-40 Residence District to R-3M Garden Apartment Special District. If approved, the company plans to build a residential complex with more than 200 units.

To read the Journal’s August 22 article on the topic, click here.

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